3 Areas to Master to Live a Meaningful Life

Preetam Kale
3 min readApr 25, 2021

Happiness, Health & Wealth


I have been reading books for some time now and I was looking for ‘The Book’ that will guide me in the important aspects of Life. I read a lot of books, but something was not clicking for me. It is said that if you keep searching you will eventually get it and I found this treasure — ‘The Almanack of Naval Ravikant’ — A guide to wealth & happiness. I call it — ‘The no bullshit guide to Happiness, Health & Wealth.’

The book is a treasure full of wisdom but I am sharing below some of the parts that resonated with me, stuck with me.

Happiness has a different definition for everyone, for some it is Joy, for some it is Peace. If you’re in pursuit of Health, Wealth and Happiness, then you should pursue Happiness first. Define what happiness means to you. And don’t hesitate to change the definition based on different phases in your life. When your life is more chaotic, then choose Peace over Joy.
“Happiness is a Skill, build it slowly, every moment of your life.”
“Choose Happiness “

Health — Prioritize Physical & Mental health above all. If you are physically fit, you automatically are a right frame of mind. If you start your day by exercising, you are full of energy & are set for the day. Exercise can be anything that suits you. People who say Weight training or Cardio or Pilates or Yoga workout is the best are missing the point. Do what suits you and sustainable for a long time. Naval says — “Short term pain, long term gain.”

Meditation even for 10–15 minutes a day will help you calm your chattering mind. Trust me, I am a chronic overthinker, always in my head. But meditation for 20 minutes in the morning helps me identify that I am overthinking things or I am ruminating on things that are out of my control and I let go that thought. Even if you can distance yourself from the monkey mind a bit and see things for what they are, you will be far more present in the Now and are capable of taking rational decisions. Consistency is the Key with Exercise & Meditation. Exercise & Meditate for a month to see the real difference in your physical & mental health.

Wealth is what makes you money, when you are asleep. Think long term !! Invest -> Long term.
Money cannot solve all your problems, but money can solve your Money problems !!

Naval also recommends making reading a habit. Read any books. Read a lot of books, till you find the books that interest you.

“Skim a lot of books. Read a few. Immediately re-read the best ones twice.”

So I did. I read this book again and again and will do so till I absorb everything in this book.

